A Common 'Cents' Approach to Life

Carole Edwards

carole Having just read a newspaper article on "'Centsible' Ways to Teach Kids How to Save Money," it brought back memories of my growing up in the 1940s and '50s, when my weekly allowance was 25 cents.

My Dad gave me two dimes and a nickel, suggesting that I put the nickel in my newly acquired Uncle Sam bank. When the total reached $10, my Uncle Sam bank automatically opened! I could not wait—not to spend it, but to put it into my newly opened savings account in a "real" bank.

Dad also suggested that I might put a dime in the church basket each Sunday. Dad emphasized that I did not have to do either of these suggestions, but it might be a good thing to try.

I credit my savings penchant to my common-sense Dad, who had a two-year high school education (which was the norm for his era) and who had never read a parenting book in his life. Through his loving examples, so many valuable life lessons were taught.

Dad also instilled in us the value of contributing to the family. When I told my Dad that some of my friends received money for their good report cards, Dad's answer was, "Carole, we EXPECT you to get good grades."  

Again, great common sense.

Also, when asked about paying us for doing some household chores, Dad's answer was that we were part of a family and each one contributes to its success. "Your Mom does not get paid for cooking, cleaning, and taking care of you, does she?"

Just some happy memories of family life "way back when."

Editor's note: Carole attributes her saving habits as the reason that she was able to move into The Glebe. "I'm not rich," she says, "but I saved and planned for my future."

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